Trax Softworks Online Support Options
Technical support and customer service are provided to all Trax customers covered by maintenance contracts via telephone or online.
You can get online product support via email or via the web.
For support visit our Online Contact page, provide enough of your name, company, and contact information so we know who you are.
In either case, please be sure to provide the following information:
- Product
- Version
- State the problem or question
- If you have a problem that can be recreated, please indicate how to do so.
- Please include the exact text of any error messages and explain what you were trying to do.
If you have any additional information which will help us answer your question on the first try, please provide it. For example, if you are a
service bureau and the product is registered in your customer's name, let us know who the registered customer is, so we don't have to
waste your time figuring it out.