EdWord Word Processing Information Overview
EdWord is a PC-like word processor designed for users working on IBM mainframe systems. It can be used by itself to provide word processing functionality,
or it can be customized to add text editing and word processing functions to
in-house systems or software from other vendors.
Anyone can quickly learn to use EdWord
- Pull-down menus guide first-time and casual users through commands.
- English-like word commands facilitate use and retention.
- Online help windows provide explanations and instructions.
- Command prompting guides users through unfamiliar actions.
- "Showpage" display allows you to preview printouts online.
EdWord offers powerful text processing features
- Spelling checker ensures accuracy and prevents costly and embarrassing errors.
- Font support allows you to include different fonts, italics and bold, print special characters for which there are no keyboard equivalents, and use superscript and subscript notation.
- Rulers control various formatting functions such as margins, tabs, pagebreaks, columns, headers, footers, and alignment.
- Tables of contents and indexes can be created automatically for any document.
- Lists of indented and/or numbered items, such as outlines, are effortlessly produced.
- EdWord allows you to easily display multiple columns of test.
EdWord handles large and small jobs
- Your EdWord document can be up to 255 characters wide, and hundreds of pages long.
- Mail merge allows you to personalize letters, envelopes, and Faxes for large mailings.
System Requirements
- IBM Compatible mainframe
Please see our Evaluation Information for details on arranging a trial
of this product.
Prices and terms are contained in our Price Sheet online.
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