ESS Electronic Spreadsheet System Information Overview
ESS is a mainframe-based 3-D interactive spreadsheet. It supports very large-sized spreadsheets since it runs on the mainframe. It also supports
linked spreadsheets, Lotus compatibility, mainframe file access, graphics, macros, and much more.
ESS provides access to information in other files
- Reads and writes files saved in Lotus 1-2-3 and DIF formats.
- Reads and writes mainframe flat files and VSAM (KSDS and ESDS) files.
- Interface to DB2 and SQL/DS databases.
- Eliminates the need to download data to PCs for analysis.
ESS offers powerful analysis capabilities
- Supports system and in-spreadsheet macros, including REXX, EXEC2, CLIST and Lotus.
- Includes support for ESSMAC, ESS's own in-spreadsheet macro language for all operating systems.
- Extensive suite of built-in functions for financial, statistical, and scientific calculations.
- Supports user functions written in COBOL, FORTRAN, or Assembler.
- Includes graphics interfaces to IBM or CA graphics.
ESS enhances your applications
- Written in Assembler to minimize CPU utilization, memory, and disk storage requirements.
- Spreadsheet size is limited only by virtual storage capacity or region size.
- Reads and writes Lotus binary worksheet files and macros.
- Seamlessly integrates with EdWord for maximum flexibility.
- Can be called transparently from any application via the API.
System Requirements
- IBM Compatible mainframe (zSeries, 390, etc.)
- TSO (z/OS, OS/390, ...), CMS (z/VM), or CICS (z/OS, OS/390, VSE/ESA)
Please see our Evaluation Information for details on arranging a trial
of this product.
Prices and terms are contained in our Price Sheet online.
If you have any questions that are not answered here or have any general comments, please visit our
Contact page and post them there.